Serving the People,

Flora, and Fauna of the Old Wives Lake Watershed.

Old Wives Watershed Association (OWWA) is a not-for-profit organization working to help to ensure sufficient water quality and adequate water supplies that meet the current and future community, economic, and ecosystem needs in the Old Wives Lake Watershed.

Our focus is on promoting watershed stewardship through programming, communications, and initiatives to help protect our surface and ground waters. We aim to ensure sustainable, healthy watersheds, and work with our members, agricultural producers, government, industry, researchers, and more to accomplish this.

"Old Wives Lake"- Photo courtesy of Karla Rasmussen

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Our partners include the Water Security Agency, Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds (SAW), 8 other Saskatchewan watershed stewardship groups, Nature Saskatchewan, Plains Midstream and others.

Together we promote source water protection, agricultural water management, flood and drought preparedness, and climate change initiatives. The Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) is offered to producers in our watershed and involves financial assistance and environmental benefits.

You can check out more about us and our watershed with some of these great videos.

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